Day 1 – Trends and Context

Land Acknowledgement

We invite you to take a moment to think about where you presently live and honour the people of the land. Think about your relation to the place you live, work, and interact. This is our inquiry to honour the past and present and to stay connected to decolonization practices.
Take a moment to look up the territory or land you are connecting from, if you do not know it.

CUPE’s Equality Statement

We read the Equality Statement at the beginning of every workshop. It guides how we participate with each other in the workshop.

Spectrum of Pension Plan Designs

Open PDF

Perils and possibilities with our pensions

Link to the Jamboard
Or open the PDF What’s going on with our pension plans_

Pension trends, history and context

History Trends Context deck Kevin Skerrett

Assignment for Day 2 is here